Omeros was like nothing else I have ever read......
.....and I loved it.
If you had talked to me, while I was reading the first book I would have told you that I hated this stupid book (maybe even more than Hannah) and that I did not want to read it. There were all of these characters, in all these places, and every word could mean 10 contradicting things.
I hated it.
And yet....I continued to read.
Omeros is a postmodern epic written by Derek Walcott. It is confusing and annoying and most of the time you just want to pull out your hair. It is packed full of symbols, double meanings, flash backs, and every other confusing technique that you can imagine. And yet. It is wonderful. Will I ever understand every part of the story? No. Could I turn to any page in the book and come up with something I do not understand? Yes. But questions is the theme of Omeros. Everything by everyone is questioned. Omeros is an exploration for both the characters, the author, and the reader into our questions. Some of our questions are answered. Such as who Helen ends up with or how Philo's wound is healed. But others like how can Walcott identify with both parts of his heritage or will Achille ever find peace or who is Seven Seas/ Omeros are much more difficult to answer. But that is what the book is all about. People and their quest for answers. People asking questions. Places changing people. Cycling round and round. We have many characters both islanders, and white foreigners. Along with Walcott who is both. We are taken from St. Lucia, to the past, to around the world, looking for answers. Achille is looking for heritage, Helen for belonging, Maud for Paradise, Major Plunkett for history, Philo for healing, Ma Kilman for remembrance Walcott for identity, while Seven Seas looks blindly on.
The past, present, and future jumbled together leads our characters, narrator, and us through their journey to find these answers, what they were looking for along the way.
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